New Sensory webinar available as a digital download!

We are proud to make available our OT Rosie’s “Making Sense of Sensory Behaviour” Webinar as a digital download. This is the first product in our new store and the first of many to come!

The webinar will explore the (often confusing) world of sensory processing and sensory and emotional regulation, so you can get a better understanding of your children’s behaviour and the underlying reasons for them.

We will explore the 8 different senses, discussing how difficulties processing sensory information can affect our children.

We will then go on to discuss many practical strategies and activities that you as parents can do with your children to help them with their sensory and emotional regulation and achieve their superhero potential.

ADHD: A message to the nay-sayers...

ADHD: A message to the nay-sayers...

A lot of you may not know that as well as being a children’s OT, I am also mummy to two neurodivergent children. This helps massively with informing my practice when working with neurodivergent kids and their families and I really believe has made me better at my job. 

Living with neurodivergence is wonderful, exhausting, frustrating, difficult and sometimes it feels never-ending. Often I feel like I am walking on egg shells, not knowing whether we are going to have a good day or a bad day and I spend a huge amount of time defending and advocating for my children, who often can’t advocate for themselves.

I have written the following article from my perspective as a parent, standing in solidarity with the other parents who are on this rollercoaster ride! 

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Interoception - The hidden but oh so important 8th sense

Interoception - The hidden but oh so important 8th sense

Discover the fascinating world of interoception, our body's unique ability to understand and respond to its internal state for optimal health and comfort. Learn how this 'eighth sense' functions like a network of internal messengers, guiding children to recognize and react to hunger, thirst, temperature, and emotions. However, interpreting these signals can be challenging for some children, leading to difficulty in managing basic needs and emotions. Find out how to nurture this skill in your child, transforming them into superheroes of self-awareness and emotional regulation. For more insights and guidance on interoception and child development, explore the resources and expert advice available at TherapySPOT.

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Simple Massage for Children

Some children need that little bit of help to calm them down and keep them regulated so that they can engage, focus, learn and play. Massage can be a quick and easy way to bring children down if they are running too high. Deep pressure is calming for the brain and can help children more easily make sense of their surroundings and respond appropriately to stimuli. Try incorporating it into your child’s normal routine e.g. as part of getting them dressed, while playing with them on the floor or before bed.

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In a Spin about Spinning?

In a Spin about Spinning?

So, having just dealt with a huge meltdown from my 3 year old after a soft play session where she spent the majority of the time spinning on a sit-on wheel, I feel the need to warn parents about the power of spinning on the brain. Although a useful tip for all parents, it is particularly poignant for those with children who have sensory processing difficulties, as these kids respond more unusually to sensory input and often have difficulty self-regulating as a result.

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