Stuck at home? Explore the Zones of Regulation to help children cope with their feelings and body sensations

As Therapists, we often use the Zones of Regulation to help children cope with their feelings and body sensations.  Here is a starter pack for you to use with your child at home.  The tools are just suggestions - you may use other things to help your child 'wake up' or 'calm down' their bodies a little.  The 'I want' parts are for our PECS users. If your child is not using PECS you can cut these off before displaying the boards.

Download the Zones of Regulation Guide PDF

Download Zones of Regulation Cards PDF

Home School Visual Structures

Some children will really benefit from the use of a visual structure to help them cope with the change from school education to home education.  Here are some symbols to get you started!

Download Home School Visual Structures PDF