There are times when the needs of a child are difficult to identify. A child may have difficulty performing day to day tasks due to problems with speech and language or communication, or a child may struggle with communication due to poor muscle tone or a difficulty processing sensory information. In these situations, it is often useful to have a joint professionals assessment. 

The joint assessment and therapy package offers a more holistic approach to assessment and treatment; there is often an overlap between these disciplines when working with children. It ensures that all parents' concerns are noted, whilst all areas of speech and language, motor and sensory development are assessed. The single point of access enables easier communication between parents/ carers and professionals and the joint report (following assessment) offers a concise and comprehensive review of all of your child’s needs.

Our joint approach ensures that we maximise the effectiveness of therapy sessions and you avoid needing to double up on time spent discussing your child's history and your concerns.

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